This view shows from left to right the computer terminal, business phone, direct line to the EOC, 911 phone, and the main radio console. The radio console is used to activate the Department radio paging/notification system, talk by radio with all Department apparatus and portable radios, police cruisers, ambulances, DPW units, fire towers, as well as talk on 7 frequency's used by the Plymouth County Mutual Aid System. The console is the heart of the Departments wireless communications system. 

A big THANK YOU to FF/Dispatcher Bill Piper. Bill (with carpentry support from DC Craig Weston) spent a solid week fabricating, re-arranging and upgrading our Fire Station Dispatch Center. Keeping all the necessary equipment organized in a 9' x 12' room is a big challenge!

Another view of the room includes 2 of the maps used to plot forest fires in conjunction with the State Department of Conservation Fire Tower System. The smaller of the 2 maps delineates the Myles Standish Response Zone area's. This is a plan where up to 3 community's automatically send forest fire trucks when smoke is spotted in high hazard area's in and around the Myles Standish State Forest.

  This view shows the area where paper flows in and out of the system. To the left is the Department photo copy machine. To the right are some filing cabinets with the Departments fax machine and laser printer on top. These 3 machines are shared by the Dispatcher, Deputy Chiefs, and Chief.

Carver Fire Dept Photos by ROB REARDON

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Last updated Tuesday, August 03, 2004 09:32 AM