
The Carver Fire Department maintains a dedicated Fire Dispatch Facility, located at our Fire Headquarters - Station 1. We are staffed by a Fire Dispatcher from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm each day, seven days a week. After 4:30 pm, Fire Dispatching is transferred over to our Public Safety Dispatch Center, located at the Carver Police Station. Our Fire Dispatch Center is staffed by one full time Dispatcher, Matt Barrington, and 9 part time fire dispatchers, working mostly weekends and coverage shifts. Maintaining a dedicated Fire Dispatch Center and Fire Dispatcher that concentrates on strictly fire responses, helps ensure that we get professional and proficient emergency fire dispatching for our residents and our responding firefighters. I would like to personally thank each of our dedicated Dispatchers for their loyalty and commitment to our TEAM!


Glenda Harriman

Dispatcher Serving Since 2005

John Rota

Dispatcher 158 Serving Since 2015

Michael Brooks

Dispatcher / Firefighter 169 Serving Since 2019

John Haskell

Firefighter / Assistant Divemaster 175 Serving Since 2021

Chris Mahoney

Dispatcher / Firefighter 224 Serving Since 1989

Tim Dunham

Dispatcher / Firefighter 239 Serving Since 2007

Matt Barrington

Dispatcher / Firefighter 252 Serving Since 2013

Frank Nye

Dispatcher / Captain 301 Serving Since 2003

Matt Sears

Dispatcher / Firefighter 325 Serving Since 2000

Mike Shaw

Dispatcher / Firefighter 344 Serving Since 2009