From all accounts, our second CFD sanctioned scavenger hunt was a huge success! This was a competitive training exercise we termed a scavenger hunt. The goal of the event was to mix training, competitiveness, a fun time and great prizes into a series of six training exercises that would involve CFD equipment, apparatus and the skills of our Firefighters. Approximately 40 Firefighters participated in the event. Company 1, named the “Halligans”, located all their canisters, arrived first at their final destination and found a wrapped prize congratulating them on their victory. Company 3, named “No Brakes” came in second and Company 2, “Water Supply” was third. After the event, everyone that participated was treated to lunch at Station 1. In our profession, you have to train hard, for you never know when or what type of emergency you will be facing. We believe that you also have to be able to have a good laugh or two! All said and done, the scavenger hunt accomplished the goals we set out to accomplish. Six intense training exercises involving Firefighter skills, keeping a large number of Firefighters in Town ready to respond to any emergencies, developing comraderie among the group and sharing some laughs! Special “THANKS” are in order to Deputy Germaine, who orchestrated the whole drill, with help from Retired Chief Billy Harriman, Retired Firefighter Jon Fortier and his wife Bernice, Retired Deputy Chief Mark Weston, my Comma Lady and Divemaster Josh McDermott. (Photo’s by Retired Chief Bill Harriman, who worked at the Res-Q-Jack event)
Here's what you've missed since the last time you visited our page:
- Jan 09 - Vinny Nocera
- Jan 09 - Ryan Barry
- Jan 09 - Adam Lauzon
- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth
- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth