Pictures for the year of 2007


Garage Fire – Popes Point Road - May 15, 2007

C2, C3, Engines 1, 2, 3, Tanker 1, Rescue 1 and Brushbreaker 28 responded to a late afternoon garage fire on Popes Point Road. The series of photo's clearly show the awesome knockdown and stay down power of a 2 inch attack line using Class A foam. Of course it also helps to have the coordination of a couple of sharp as a tack Deputy Chiefs working with attack crews who are, SIMPLY THE BEST! Click on any picture to...

Dive Team Drill (Dive Recovery Vehicle Launch) – Plymouth Street - May 6, 2007

Our Dive Team spent some time using air bags to lift a submerged object prior to launching the a new UNDERWATER VEHICLE PROP constructed by the team. A Toyota Camry was acquired free of charge and prepared for training use in Deputy Weston’s shop. They removed the motor and everything that could possibly contain oil or hazards to the environment. Even shock struts which contain oil were removed and replaced with custom made metal brackets. The vehicle now sits in...

Car Fire – Ferreira’s Salvage Yard - May 4, 2007

Our Dive Team spent some time using air bags to lift a submerged object prior to launching the a new UNDERWATER VEHICLE PROP constructed by the team. A Toyota Camry was acquired free of charge and prepared for training use in Deputy Weston’s shop. They removed the motor and everything that could possibly contain oil or hazards to the environment. Even shock struts which contain oil were removed and replaced with custom made metal brackets. The vehicle now sits in...

Brush Fire Drill – Carver / Plymouth Airport - April 14, 2007

Deputy Weston's annual Forest Fire Drill theme this year was Communications, Safety & Accountability During Night Operations. A total of 15 Brushbreakers from Carver, Plymouth, Wareham, Onset, Plympton, Kingston, Duxbury & the State DCR spent time in the woods negotiating the course. Additionally the Dept. of Fire Services Incident Support Unit, Dept. of Fire Services Rehab Unit, Plymouth County Sheriffs Department Mobile Command Unit and the State Police Helicopter played active roles in the exercise. On display for viewing were...

2007 Carver Fire Recruit Graduation – Carver Fire Station 1 - April 7, 2007

Bring on the red stuff, it is finally over! The recruit class of 2007 spent the morning doing the practical portion of their final exam and, promptly at 1:00 pm the graduation ceremony started. Some inspirational words by the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen as well as the Chief and Deputy's followed by receiving diploma's, new accountability tags without that word recruit on them anymore, and a shiny badge presented by someone special. Then a standing ovation by family...

SEMASS Structure Fire – Rochester - April 3, 2007

Whoever came up with the saying, SEE YOU AT THE BIG ONE, probably had something like this in mind. It started off with a bang heard for several miles around and ultimately challenged personnel, equipment and the mutual aid systems of three counties. A reported 33 Engines, 3 Ladders, 2 Aerial Towers, 10 Tankers, 3 Foam Units, 1 Air Supply Unit, 1 Air Boat, the State Incident Support Unit, the State Rehab Unit, and the Providence Canteen Unit responded to...

Recruit Training R.I.T. Practical – Carver Fire Department Training Facility - March 22, 2007

Oh my aching knees! It is back to the maze and smokehouse for the practical on Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) training. Every member of the department must be proficient in R.I.T. procedures and techniques. At every working structure fire a RIT TEAM is established and stands by ready to rescue a downed firefighter should something go wrong while working inside a structure. Special RIT Packs are carried on each of Carvers 3 first due Engines and include a portable air...

Recruit Training Rescue Practical – Carver Fire Department Training Center - March 13, 2007

Cuttin & Pryin, this is really gettin good! The Class of 07 spends some quality time with the Jaws of Life. The recruits get to practice extrication evolutions in a realistic setting. A hearty thanks to the Carver EMS Department for lending a hand also. The CFD Recruit Trainers go above and beyond to make the training as close to the real thing as possible. Click on any picture to enlarge it. (Photo’s by Firefighter Steve Falconer)

Ice Dive Drill – Sampson’s Pond - March 4, 2007

It's really amazing what some people will do to avoid crowds at the beach! With the water temperature hovering between 34 and 40 degrees depending on who's thermometer you read, a Dive Team member's commitment to the department and the residents of the community certainly can't be questioned as he practices rescue techniques under the ice. Of course the air temperature was also about 38 degrees with a gentle 12 mph breeze to keep one from overheating when coming out...

Flood Detail – High Street - March 2, 2007

A couple of inches of rain on frozen soil can really create a challenge for firefighters trying to stop the water from entering a home. Now I realize that it's not mentioned in their job description, but the guys seemed to build a pretty good levee! (Photo’s by Chief Craig Weston)

Recruit Training Pump Practical Class – Station 1 - February 22, 2007

An evening at the pumps. The Class of 2007 spends a rainy, snowy, sleety night moving water. Deputy Weston's crew of Instructors really outdid themselves setting up this class and putting the recruits through their paces! The task of running a pump is much more than just knowing which valve to open or which gauge to watch. The operator must be in tune with every little noise and vibration associated with the drive system that pushes water and foam through...

Recruit Training SCBA Practical – Carver Fire Department Training Facility - February 17, 2007

OK, you read the required chapters, listened to the lectures and even did jumping jacks on the apparatus floor in full gear and breathing apparatus, now it is time to show the instructors how good you are. Three hours on a Saturday morning crawling in, around, and through the maze with the facepiece of the mask obscured to simulate smoke is more work than anyone expected! And in the fire service work is only half a word, because everything is...

Recruit Training PPE / SCBA Class – Station 1 - February 15, 2007

It's a couple of hours of classroom and then down on to the apparatus floor to start getting used to the feel of full protective clothing and self contained breathing apparatus. Even though Carver's protective clothing and breathing apparatus are state of the art, the combined package still weighs in around 40 pounds. Not what you really want to add to your body BEFORE you start doing strenuous work, but it is what you need to survive when you enter...

Company 1 Winter Operations Drill – John’s Pond - February 11, 2007

Company 1 spends a few hours on the ice reviewing winter operations. Practice with the hovercraft and some time in water rescue suits could mean the difference between a successful rescue and a recovery. The ice auger and special suction strainer speed up drafting operations. The departments that have municipal water systems aren’t the only ones that get frozen hydrants. Our hydrants, also known as ponds and lakes, freeze too.

Ladies Night – Carver Sportsmen’s Club - February 10, 2007

The annual Ladies Night sponsored by the Carver Firefighters Association is a special night for firefighters wives. The buffet style Italian dinner (no pork chops) is to die for, or at least to have heartburn for. Flowers and gift bags for each lady, a DJ mixin some special tunes, and plenty of room for dancing kept the ladies smilin. (Photo’s by Firefighters Steve Falconer and Gerry Farquharson)

Carver Firefighters Association Supper Meeting – Carver Fire Station 1 - February 5, 2007

Company 3 does the honors serving up delicious spiral ham dinner with all the fixins including some homemade rolls cooked by Emma Williams, wife of retired Fire Chief Robert C. (Pete) Williams, also mom of longtime Company 3 Firefighter Mike Williams. During the meeting a presentation was made to the department by Covanta Energy SEMASS of a 4 gas meter to be mounted on Rescue 1. Over the years SEMASS and the Carver Fire Department have enjoyed a great relationship...

Recruit Training Orientation Class – Station 1 - January 30, 2007

The Class of 2007 is now underway! Words of wisdom and a lot of ground rules from Deputy Weston, gear sizing, photo's for accountability tags, books and more books followed by some time on the apparatus floor getting to know the instructors. The training starts here and ends when they retire. My guess is they will always remember this first night. (Photo’s by Firefighter Gerry Farquharson)

Structure Fire – Lillian Way - January 18, 2007

On Thursday, January 18th at 2:15 pm all 3 Company's were dispatched to 66 North Main Street for a reported fire in the wall. Chief Weston was first off at the scene and reported smoke showin. He then ordered the first in Engine to lay a line up the driveway and the second Engine to feed the line at the street with water from Tanker 1. The fire was quickly brought under control and the supply line was not needed....