The June Company supper served by Company 1 at the big house, was a real corker. A traditional clam boil with all the fixins. They even had chicken and hamburgers for those few who do not appreciate the savory taste of soft shell mollusk’s dug from the sand of pristine Atlantic beaches. This is kind of an annual event where some good friends of the Association are invited to enjoy a meal with us. For some incomprehensible reason, the Association presented a retired old warhorse with a beautiful pewter speaking trumpet engraved with some very special words. Although he felt that it was not deserved, he really appreciated it and will be forever grateful. (Photo’s by Deputy Eric Germaine)
Here's what you've missed since the last time you visited our page:
- Jan 09 - Vinny Nocera
- Jan 09 - Ryan Barry
- Jan 09 - Adam Lauzon
- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth
- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth