What a great dive drill was put together last Sunday by Divemaster Josh McDermott. Divers showed up in force figuring they were in for some rescue work. Well, rescues were in-order, but it was pumpkins not victims. Divers were given the challenging of diving down in about 12 feet of water only to find a sunken car full of orange critters. Each Diver had to retrieve a pumpkin and carve a face in it before coming to the surface. The winner was judged by Diver Rich Pierson’s nieces, Rielly and Clancy. The winning pumpkin was carved by Diver Austin White, who was presented with a custom CFD sweat shirt for his talent! Out of the box idea and great job!
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- Jan 09 - Vinny Nocera
- Jan 09 - Ryan Barry
- Jan 09 - Adam Lauzon
- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth
- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth