Recruit Training Class #27 – Live Fire Training (Photo’s by Retired Firefighter, Steve Blanchard) - April 18, 2020

Our new Recruits last training class was a good one – Live Fire Training.  Crews practiced live fires on the first and second floors of the training building.  Each new firefighter got a chance to operate the different positions of a structural entry team, practicing nozzle patterns and positive pressure ventilation.  Firefighters also practiced extinguishing vehicle and dumpster fires.  It was a long day, but a tremendous amount of experience was gained that will help these new Firefighters transition into a great CFD career.  Each will now begin their 60 days of station training, becoming familiar with the apparatus assigned to their stations.  Once completed, they will undergo one final practical exam and then graduation.  (Photo’s by Retired Firefighter, Steve Blanchard)