We received news that our Fire Department Honor Guard has been selected to present the Colors at the start of the Red Sox game at Fenway Park on Thursday, August 1st. A big tip of the helmet to Firefighter Rick Leopardi, who made it all happen by applying on behalf of our Department some time ago. The opportunity was presented to us this past weekend and our Honor Guard Team is very excited! We will be sending an eight person Team that will march onto Fenway field, presenting the Colors during the National Anthem. The Team will then be able to stay and watch the Red Sox beat Seattle. Our Honor Guard already has extra practices planned, some new equipment has been ordered and they will be ready for the national stage come August 1st. This will definitely be a highlight of my career to have CFD center stage! Our Department Chaplin, Reverend Bob Merritt, better not miss this game as he gets a free pass to all Red Sox games due to his high clout above … ha!