No better way to christen our new Station 1 than having over 90 retired and active Firefighters filling the halls and new training room, all here to honor our Experienced Firefighters. Each year we have a special night where we honor our retired and experienced Firefighters (Firefighters serving 25 years or more) with a special dinner and a few tokens of appreciation. This year, Company 1 Officers and Firefighters, under the tutelage of Head Chef/Firefighter Danny Wilcox, prepared an outstanding prime rib meal (donated by Sysco) with a vegetable medley and potatoes to over 90 guests. Life Member Awards were given to Deputy Eric Germaine and Reverend Bob Merritt, as both received their 25 years of service pins. A 45 years of service pin was given to Captain Bob Telless, and 20 year pins were given to Firefighters Erik Sironen, Robert Vestute and Danny Wilcox. A special presentation was made to retiring Fire Dispatcher, Steve Blanchard, who will be retiring on February 17, after 20 years of service as our full-time Fire Dispatcher – Congrats Steve! Members socialized throughout the night, reminiscing about the old times and taking in all the memorabilia within the new Station. As the Fire Chief, it was so refreshing to see the new facility operate flawlessly and bring everyone together. (Photo’s by Firefighter Steve Falconer)
Here's what you've missed since the last time you visited our page:
- Jan 09 - Vinny Nocera
- Jan 09 - Ryan Barry
- Jan 09 - Adam Lauzon
- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth
- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth