Company 2 Firefighters along with representatives from our Dive Team spend a couple hours on the ice reviewing procedures and practicing with our new Ice Rescue Sled and Hovercraft. This Ice Rescue Sled gives CFD another option from our Rescue HOVERCRAFT to reach a person or animal in distress on the ice. Crews also utilized one of our ice augers used for setting up a drafting site in ice covered conditions and practiced throwing rope rescue bags. Tip of the Helmet to all those that suffered through the extremely cold weather to attend the training! (Photo’s by Firefighter, Steve Falconer)
Here's what you've missed since the last time you visited our page:
- Jan 09 - Vinny Nocera
- Jan 09 - Ryan Barry
- Jan 09 - Adam Lauzon
- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth
- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth