Our annual “experienced firefighters” night, is a great time to fight the big fires again. Retired members as well as special invited guests join active firefighters for an appreciation dinner, while special awards are presented. The highlight of the evening was Lieutenant Eric Weston and Firefighters Stave Falconer and Chris Mahoney receiving their 25 year Life Member Awards from the Carver Firefighters Association. Firefighter George Peck Jr received his 30 year and Firefighter Mike Williams received his 35 year of dedicated service pins from Chief Weston, while Firefighters Joe Kirk, and Lieutenant Bill Froehlich earned their 20 year fire service pins. Company 1 served a great meal of a roast beef dinner with all the fixin’s. Great time! (Photo’s by Firefighter Steve Falconer)
Here's what you've missed since the last time you visited our page:
- Jan 09 - Vinny Nocera
- Jan 09 - Ryan Barry
- Jan 09 - Adam Lauzon
- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth
- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth