Firefighters from Company’s 1 and 3 utilizing Engines 1 and 3, Rescue 1, Rescue 2, Hovercraft, Breaker 28 and Cars 1, 2 and 3 conducted an extensive search for two missing persons, possibly on or in the close proximity to Sampson’s Pond. The incident originated in the Town of Wareham with two missing persons, possibly on an ATV in their East Wareham area of Town. After a significant amount of misleading information that was coming in, their cell phone was pinged, with a possible location coming back to the middle of Sampson Pond (among other locations in surrounding Towns). Through a coordinated effort between Wareham and Carver, a Command Post was set up in Carver (Sampson’s Pond) and Wareham (Agawam Road) to check all possible areas to ensure no one had fallen through the ice or was lost in the immediate areas. Firefighters set up search lights with Rescue 1 and Engine 3, while our Hovercraft performed a complete search of our largest pond. Brush Breaker 28, Carver PD and EMS Director Walsh searched the paved and dirt roadways in case the persons were walking. Over 30 Firefighters / Officers spent about three hours systematically searching and eventually clearing the area with no persons found. The incident is still under investigation by Wareham and Carver Police. Although very cold, there were no injuries to any Public Safety personnel. I was very proud of the coordinated and cooperative effort given among our Public Safety disciplines throughout the intensive search. Great job!
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