Fire Companies 1, 2, and 3 responded to a reported Structure Fire off Hines Ave in North Carver. On arrival, heavy smoke and fire was reported on the second floor of a residential structure. Carver Engine 2 laid about 600’ of 4″ supply line into the fire, due to the very narrow access roadway. Fire Crews from Engine 2 quickly made the second floor and knocked down the fire in the bedroom and started ventilation. Fire crews from Engine 1, Rescue 1, and Engine 4 assisted with secondary searches, overhaul, R.I.T. and salvage operations. Due to the narrow and long roadway, Engine 1 set up on Plymouth Street, feeding the supply line into Engine 2 at the fire. Carver Tankers 1 and 2, along with a Plympton Tanker assisted in shuttling water into the Fire scene. Engine 3’s crew established a drafting water supply from a nearby stream, refiling Carver and Plympton Tankers. Overall 27 Carver Firefighters, 2 Plympton Firefighters, and a Plymouth Engine company covering CFD Headquarters worked the morning incident. Big thank you to Carver EMS for assisting with Firefighter rehab and support, while Carver Police shut down the Plymouth Street roadway allowing our firefighters to work safely. Firefighters were able to save some small animals that were inside the home. Very strong work by all our Public Safety Departments in saving the family’s home! (Photo’s by Firefighter, Steve Falconer)
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- Jan 09 - Cam Wentworth